Xiaomi Redmi 3s is expected to launch in India on august 3. Redmi 3s sports a 5-inch display with the resolution of 720 X 1280, 294ppi Pixel density. The phone to have internal storage of 16GB and can be expanded upto 256GB via a micro SD card slot which uses SIM slot 2. The smartphone houses a Snapdragon 430 octa core chipset clocked at 1.4 Ghz coupled with Adreno 505 GPU and 2GB of RAM for 16GB and 3GB of RAM for 32GB.
At the rear it has a 13MP camera with autofocus, LED flash and , at the front it has a 5MP selfie camera. It also supports VoLTE HD voice call support from Jio 4G network in India. It is powered by huge 4100 mAh battery. The phone runs on MIUI based on Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow. The price of the device is expected to be below Rs.10,000. The smartphone measures 139.3 x 69.6 x 8.5mm and weighs 144 grams.