The Motorola Moto G 3 is expected to be water proof phone and many speculations says that it may cost around Rs.8436 and Rs.15256 which shows that there might be two variants of the handset. Some more leaks tips that the Moto G 3 to feature 2GB of RAM and 8GB of inbuilt storage. To have a display of 5inch. The import and export reports says that one of the variant might have 1GB of RAM. So it clearly shows that the 8GB variant might have 1GB of RAM and 16GB variant might have 2GB of RAM.
One of the leaked images show that the device to support 4G connectivity, powered by quad core CPU, 13MP rear camera, 5MP front camera and to pack a 2470mAh battery.
Motorola as already send out invites for an event on July 28 in New Delhi, New York and Sao Paulo.