Asus Zenfone Max launched across India and now available in both black and white colour variants at Rs. 9,999. The device is powered by huge 5,000 mAh battery which can easily hold upto 38 days of stand by the company said. It is powered by 1 GHz snapdragon 410 processor coupled with Adreno 306 GPU. Zenfone Max comes with stunning 5.5 inch IPS LCD panel, 2GB of RAM, 16GB of internal storage and can be expandable upto 64GB.
On the front it has a 5MP selfie camera and at the rear sports a 13MP camera with dual tone flash and laser autofocus. The phone runs on Android version 5 Lollipop.
This phone can be purchased by using the below link.
This phone can be purchased by using the below link.