Today Asus has launched the Fonepad 7 in India with a price tab of 17,499. The tablet sports a 7" inch IPS display with 1280X800 px resolution, powered by dual core Intel Atom Z2560 clocked at 1.6GHz CPU coupled with 1GB of RAM. The tablet run on Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. Packs 5MP AF rear camera which can record video at 1080p and got a 1.2MP front facing camera. Will have 16GB of onboard storage which can be expandable via microSD card. Houses 3950mAh battery and to support voice calling feature (microSIM slot). Has got connectivity options like WiFi, 3G, bluetooth and GPS. Asus Fonepad 7 weighs 340 grams and is 10.5mm thick.
The tablet was initially announced at IFA 2013, Berlin in September.
Asus Fonepad 7 key specs:
The tablet was initially announced at IFA 2013, Berlin in September.
Asus Fonepad 7 key specs:
- 7" inch IPS Display
- 5MP rear camera and 1.2MP front camera.
- Voice Call, 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth
- Weighs 340 grams
- microSIM slot
- 16GB internal storage, expandable upto 64GB
- Android 4.2 Jelly Bean
- PowerVR SGX544MP2 GPU clocked at 400MHz
So what do you have to say about Asus Fonepad 7.
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