Intex has launched a new smartphone under Aqua series, which is known as Intex Aqua Wonder Quadcore which runs on quad core processor with 512MB of RAM. According to a press release it would cost Rs.9,990. Apps preloaded in Intex Aqua Wonder Quadcore are Facebook, Google maps, YouTube etc. The Smartphone runs on Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean but thats not the latest under Android OS. Aqua Wonder Quadcore looks like their earlier Aqua Wonder phone.
Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean
1.2GHz quad-core MediaTek MT6589 processor
512 MB RAM
4.5-inch capacitive touchscreen IPS display with 540x960 resolution
4GB internal storage and can be expandable up to 32 GB via microSD
8MPauto focus rear camera with dual LED flash
2MPfront-facing camera
Proximity sensor, Motion sensor,
G-sensor, Light sensor, Gesture sensor
Bluetooth 4.0, GPS, 3G, Wi-Fi
1800mAh battery
Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean
1.2GHz quad-core MediaTek MT6589 processor
512 MB RAM
4.5-inch capacitive touchscreen IPS display with 540x960 resolution
4GB internal storage and can be expandable up to 32 GB via microSD
8MPauto focus rear camera with dual LED flash
2MPfront-facing camera
Proximity sensor, Motion sensor,
G-sensor, Light sensor, Gesture sensor
Bluetooth 4.0, GPS, 3G, Wi-Fi
1800mAh battery