The device is powered by Intel Atom Z2420 1.2 GHz processor and 1 GB RAM, which can be priced around ₹16,000. The FonePad will have mass storage of 8GB and can be expandable upto 32GB via microSD card. Asus may also offer 5GB Life Time ASUS web storage. It sports a 7" LED WXGA with resolution of 1280x800 Screen. Comes with voice call and also supports 3G connectivity. The device to have a 3 megapixel rear Auto focus camera with capable of recording 720p HD video and 1.2 front camera for video calling. It has Sensors like GPS, Ambient Light Sensor, Glonass, G-Sensor, E-compass and Proximity Sensor. The device runs on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. FonePad to have connectivity features like WiFi, Bluetooth, microUSB and 3G HSDPA
Asus Fonepad is priced at £180 and to release by 26 April 2013.-Report